Eat your way to glowing skin

3 min read

Want to be wrinkle-free this summer? Then step into the kitchen and nourish your skin from within, says Closer nutritionist Juliette Kellow…

In the summer, many of us pay more attention to keeping our skin looking good, slapping on the sun lotion, covering up during the hottest part of the day, and exfoliating and moisturising more frequently. But the idea that beauty is only skin deep couldn’t be further from the truth. Nourishing our skin from the inside out with a healthy diet is just as important for keeping the largest organ in our body looking its best. Here’s what to put on the menu to hold back the signs of ageing and keep skin soft, supple and glowing, with fewer wrinkles and lines.


Higher intakes of fruit and veg have been linked to improved skin tightness, tone and colour, and fewer signs of ageing. These provide vitamin C, which makes collagen – a protein that gives skin its strength and structure, keeping it firm, smooth and wrinkle free. Indeed, greater vitamin C intakes have been found to reduce wrinkles by 11 per cent in women. Vitamin C also protects against celldamaging free radicals, higher levels of which are created by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light and pollution. This vitamin helps strengthen capillaries, so tiny blood vessels are less likely to break beneath the skin’s surface. Citrus fruits, berries, blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, peppers and leafy greens are good sources.


For fresher, younger-looking skin, make green leafy veg such as broccoli, spinach, rocket and kale, and orange veg and fruit such as carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, mango and orange-fleshed melon, part of your five-a-day. These are loaded with betacarotene, which is converted to retinol or vitamin A in the body, a skin-friendly nutrient often found in beauty products. Vitamin A is vital for the growth and repair of skin cells, promoting the renewal and rejuvenation of skin. Indeed, one study of middle-aged women found those with a wrinkled appearance had significantly lower vitamin A intakes. Green leafy vegetables also provide lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that protect skin from damage caused by UV light. Fat helps the body absorb beta-carotene, so toss green salads with dressing, roast carrots and butternut squash with olive oil, and serve mango and cantaloupe melon with full-fat yoghurt.



It’s the omega-3 fats in seafood that make it a great choice for skin. Found in the greatest amounts in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, these unique fats make skin less sensitive to sunlight (although it’s still vital to follow sun safety advice) and have an anti-inflammatory effect, so help ease irritated and reddened skin. Omega-3 fats also lock water into skin cells by stre

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