Your next six months plan ahead and flourish

8 min read


Find out what the second half of the year has in store for you with Closer’s astrologer, Yasmin Boland



LOVE & FAMILY Expect big things in the coming six months – there’s aNew Moon eclipse in your Love Zone on 2 October, which can only mean one thing – expect the unexpected when it comes to love and romance between now and 2025!

WORK & MONEY You still have the crazy planet Uranus in your Money Zone, so the truth is that there is still going to be a little chaos about anything to do with cash for you. Just set something aside for a rainy day and all should be OK.

YOUR LUCK You have a great blessing now – lucky and optimistic Jupiter in your Mind Zone. Look on the bright side and your life could start to fall into place!


6JULY – Channel your energy into ambitious projects.

15 JULY – Expect unexpected shifts or sudden opportunities, especially regarding finances.

8 OCTOBER – You’re extra passionate and charming today. Watch out, world!


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LOVE & FAMILY If you’re in doubt about how loveable you are, use this six-month period to really big yourself up in terms of doing whatever it takes to bolster your self-esteem. The more you value yourself, the more others will value you too (obviously!).

WORK & MONEY You have the power to boost your bank account during this time. What you have to be careful of is expanding too fast or having too much blind faith in everything working out. Come with a plan!

YOUR LUCK On the one hand, you could be about to move into the most financially lucky time you’ve had for between six to 12 years. On the other, stay smart when it comes to cash. Financial lessons don’t need to be painful!


15 JULY – Unexpected changes or revelations lead to personal breakthroughs.

14 AUGUST – Challenges or obstacles may arise. Be patient!

2 OCTOBER – Focus on restarts in partnerships of all kinds.



LOVE & FAMILY The end of the year sees the planet of communications, Mercury, visiting your Love Zone, so December and into the New Year is ideal for having whichever conversations you need to with the people who matter.

WORK & MONEY Careful! With demanding – and sometimes depressing – Saturn in your Career Zone now, you could be so consumed with thoughts about how well you’re doing (or not doing) professionally that you’ve barely got time for your personal life!

YOUR LUCK Since April, you have had the lucky planet Jupiter in your sign. Have you felt it at all? If not, then use this information and decide that the Universe is henceforth on your side.


15 JULY – A day of insight and creative breakthroughs, i

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