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Celebrity Big Brother’s David Potts chats life after his big win, future plans and turning down Louis Walsh


He won CBB Weekender back in 2016, but it wasn’t until his appearance – and eventual win – on Celebrity Big Brother earlier this year that David Potts, and his legs, of course, became a household name.

And despite having been in the industry for eight years now, David, 31, admits that his newfound level of fame has been a big but positive change.

He exclusively tells Closer, “Before I went on CBB, I was known for Ibiza Weekender, which has a very specific audience. And a lot of the other shows that I’ve done, like Celebrity Karaoke Club and Celebs On The Farm, have also got that kind of similar audience. On the other hand, a lot of different people watch CBB who would probably have never seen me before on any of the other shows.


“I had a woman come up to me in Asda the other day and she said, ‘I was a bit unsure about you on CBB at first, but you won me right over. I was voting for you to win by the end’. I always love hearing that.”

On Ibiza Weekender, David, who nearly always wears shorts to show off his legs, was known for his no-nonsense but fun-loving attitude. It was that side of David that fans also loved to see on CBB as he completed various challenges, including forming a boy band alongside actor Bradley Riches and Strictly’s Nikita Kuzmin, and hilariously playing at being a corrupt cop alongside podcaster Zeze Mills – all of whom he’s become close friends with.

He says, “I still speak to Fern [Britton] every now and again. And then obviously Bradley, Zeze, Marisha [Wallace] and Coulson [Smith] – we were all at Bradley’s engagement party a few months ago celebrating him and his fiancé Scott. I do still speak to Nikita – he’s in the group chat with us – but he’s very busy.

“Me and Louis didn’t actually end up exchanging numbers. He was begging me for my number on quite a few occasions, but I had to decline. Sorry, Louis, I’m too busy to send you singing voice notes!”

With more fans and followers from his successful CBB stint, he’s been given more work opportunities and David recently

On Celebs Go Dating with Megan McKenna
He found fame on Ibiza Weekender

With his CBB housemates partnered with Burger King UK to find the nation’s best “foodfilment faces”, which is all about that warm, fuzzy feeling you experience when a meal just hits the spot.

But despite being incredibly busy, David admits that an Ibiza Weekender reunion could still be on the cards for the near future.

He reveals, “Ibiza

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