‘my fiancé died – then ifound out he’d been living adouble life’

4 min read


Kaitlin Palmieri spent years mourning her man – until she learned he’d been deceiving her all along…


After her beloved boyfriend died in a freak accident at her 30th birthday party, Kaitlin Palmieri struggled to come to terms with the tragedy.

Then she met handsome Eric and believed she had a second chance at happiness as she revealed to us when we first spoke to her in 2022. But on the morning of their wedding day, she was woken with unthinkable news –her husband-to-be had died in the night.

And as Kaitlin slowly tried to get over the pain of losing Eric, she was dealt yet another cruel blow when she discovered he’d been seeing another woman in secret. Kaitlin, now 38, says, “I was heartbroken all over again. I’d been grieving for aman I loved – but it turned out I didn’t know him at all. Now I know the truth, I’m angry, and I will not spend one more minute missing him.”

Mike and Kaitlin


Kaitlin’s first taste of heartbreak came as she approached her 30th birthday. She says, “I met Mike and knew he was the man I wanted to settle down with. He was just a sweetheart.”

But during her birthday pool party, tragedy struck. She says, “I heard someone scream Mike’s name, then I saw he was floating face-down in the pool. I don’t remember running to him, just that the next moment, I was on my knees doing CPR.”

Mike was rushed to hospital but he’d broken his neck, and days later Kaitlin got the call she’d been dreading. She says, “They were turning off the machines and I had to say goodbye. I sat for a long time with Mike, telling him I loved him and that I was sorry. If he’d never met me, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Kaitlin sank into depression for almost three years, but with therapy she managed to work through her grief. She says, “It sounds cheesy, but sometimes Mike appeared in my dreams and one morning I woke up feeling calm, believing I owed it to him to try to be happy.”

So Kaitlin joined a dating app and met Eric in early 2018, enjoying a first date in aNew York bar near where she was living. She says, “He was this blue-eyed, blond-haired, charming, funny man. When we kissed goodbye, I knew I wanted to see him again.”


Later, Kaitlin told Eric all about Mike and he was supportive about her loss. The couple’s relationship fast-tracked and the pair moved in together before getting engaged in December 2019 in Central Park. Kaitlin says, “After everything, I’d found love and felt truly happy again. I was excited for the future.”

The night before the wedding in August 2020, they enjoyed a rehearsal champagne dinner at the venue. She says, “Eric held my hand as he told everyone how excited we were to be getting married and how much he loved me.”


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