Commando Magazine
12 October 2021
Commando - 5479 - Judas In Jersey! - Everyone thought Billy Cooper was tied to his mother’s apron strings. She wouldn’t let him evacuate the island in 1940, enlist in the British Army, join the island’s resistance, or talk back to the Nazi occupiers. No wonder people thought he was a wet blanket! But everything changed for Billy when an injured commando washed up on shore needing his help. Billy was up to the task, ready to prove he was no mummy’s boy! Except he hadn’t considered that there was a Judas in Jersey… one that was closer to home than Billy could have ever imagined! --- Since 1961, Commando Comics have been the Home Of Heroes. Commando is Britain's longest-serving — and best — war comic for stories of action and adventure. On land, at sea and in the air, our stories cover every corner of the globe and are set throughout world history.
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