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Can I add audio to a series of screenshots?

Q I’d like to record narration to accompany some important screenshots for a presentation. Is there a free tool that does this?

Bob Nesmith

A The easiest way to do this is to create a slideshow of your screenshots, then record an audio track over the top before exporting the result as a video file. The free version of Microsoft’s Clipchamp can do this. It comes installed on most Windows 11 machines, but if you can’t find it, or you’re running Windows 10, install it from the Microsoft Store at www.snipca.com/48992.

In Clipchamp, choose the option to create a new video from scratch. Next, record your audio by switching to the ‘Record & create’ tab and clicking Audio. Grant Clipchamp access to your microphone, then click the red record button and start talking. When you’ve finished, click Stop. Play your recording back, then click ‘Retake recording’ if you want to re-record it, or ‘Save and edit’ to add it to your slideshow.

Now click the ‘Import media’ button to add your screenshots to the ‘Your media’ tab on the left. Hover your cursor over each one then click the green + (plus) button that pops up to add it to the timeline. You’ll see each one appear for five seconds. To adjust this to match your audio, click and drag on the right-hand edge ( 1in our screenshot).

Once you’re ready to share the video, click Export 2and choose 720p or 1080p to save the file or share it online.

Can I make a book out of my photos?

Q I’ve recently returned from visiting relatives in Australia and want to make an album using photos of my trip that are on my phone. I’d like to add text and make a book. Somebody suggested Snapfish (www.snipca.com/49003). Do you recommend this?

Diana Stephens

ASnapfish is a good choice, but we prefer FreePrints (w

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