On the pull with tiktok’s sex influencers

11 min read

TikTok sex influencers

A growing number of people are detailing every aspect of their sex lives online. But is it helping us to become more sexually liberated? Catriona Innes goes on a night out with the sex stars of TikTok to find out…

We hear them before we can see them. This group of lads, in tracksuits and dirty white trainers, shouting at us as we wander through the red-lit, uneven-underfoot, forever crowded streets of Soho...

‘It’s her,’ they repeat, loud enough for us to hear the next part. ‘That sluzza off TikTok.’

Sluzza, if you don’t know (I didn’t), essentially means slut. But Kali, the 25-year-old 5ft 3in blonde they’re referring to (aka kali.sluzza), isn’t offended. She turns around and starts bantering with the men. They’re enthralled by her. It’s Friday night, a whole evening of debauchery awaits, and this shouting – which to anyone else might be considered catcalling – is all just part of her brand. It’s men like this, and moments like these, that are paying her bills. And for the next few weeks I’m immersing myself in her world.

‘The kids are shouting at me, “Be a cat, be a cat,” and I’m sat there thinking, “I had two dicks in me last night…”’ This story of what happened after a memorable Wednesday night threesome, when Kali had to go straight to work as a nanny afterwards, sums up what it’s like to be in her company. It’s wild story after wild story, something that comes naturally to her (‘I’ve always been this way… I don’t know how I get myself into these situations’). When I play back the audio recording of our conversation later that week, it’s like listening to a night out with my friends. We’re crammed on to a wooden table, on a Friday night in Soho, joined by fellow TikTok creator, Rhys – aka chezablonde – who arrived in a red dress, cowboy boots and was told, almost immediately, by the next table how stunning she looks. My transcription is a mess of overlapping cries of delight and applause between the two at the smart, funny or on-point thing one or the other of them has just said.


The pair both joined TikTok in the last couple of years, with a simple intention: to have some fun. They’ve both since quit their jobs and make fulltime earnings from creating TikTok content. At first they joined in on trends and slowly began to share stories about their lives. But as their content progressed, it also began to resonate. For Kali, it was other women who felt free to admit that, like her, they too enjoyed sex. For Rhys everything ‘blew up’ when she came out as trans, around six months into her time on the platform. ‘Everyone was like, “Oh my god, we didn’t know.” The backlash was really intense, I didn’t realise how strong it would be,’ she says. ‘But the

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