How the world changed

7 min read

World milestones

How history unfolded during the reign of Elizabeth II

Facing page: Wearing the beaded Flowers of the Fields of France dress by Norman Hartnell on an official visit to France in April 1957, with then French President René Coty.


Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing conquer Everest; Agatha Christie’s play The Mousetrap opens; the first hydrogen bomb is tested


Stalin dies; the Korean War ends; Tito takes control of Yugoslavia; Winston Churchill wins the Nobel Prize for Literature


Rationing ends; Roger Bannister runs the four-minute mile; myxomatosis decimates the UK rabbit population; Mau Mau uprising


Warsaw Pact signed; first commercial television


Suez Crisis; Khrushchev visits Britain


The EEC established; Castro leads Cuban revolution; the USSR launches Sputnik 1 and 2, the latter bearing Laika the dog; women admitted to the House of Lords as life peeresses


The Munich air disaster kills eight of the ‘Busby Babes’ footballers; the German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, visits Britain; the Queen inaugurates direct dialling


Alaska and Hawaii become the 49th and 50th American states; Nixon and Khrushchev have the ‘Kitchen Debate’; the Dalai Lama flees Tibet; Ben Hur wins 11 academy awards


National Service ends; Frances Chichester sails the Atlantic solo; Somalia, Ghana and Cyprus become independent republics and Nigeria gains independence; first Paralympic Games, in Rome


John F. Kennedy is sworn in as the youngest US president; Yuri Garagin is the first man in space; Nureyev defects; the Berlin Wall is erected; South Africa leaves the Commonwealth; Tanganyika declares independence; the contraceptive pill goes on sale


The Cuban Missile crisis; Nelson Mandela imprisoned; Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Uganda become independent; the UK winter of the ‘Big Freeze’


John F. Kennedy is assassinated; Martin Luther King delivers his ‘I have a dream’ speech; John Profumo resigns from the government; Britain, the US and USSR sign a nuclear test-ban agreement; Kenya and Nigeria become Commonwealth republics and Malaysia becomes a new nation; the Great Train Robbery


Malta becomes an independent republic; Nyasaland, renamed Malawi, gains independence; Tanganyika and Zanzibar become Tanzania and Kenya becomes a republic; capital punishment ends in Britain


Churchill dies; Rhodesia becomes independent; Singapore secedes from the Federation of Malaysia


England wins the World Cup; the Aberfan tragedy; Chairman Mao launches the cultural revolution and publishes his Little Red Book; Mrs Gandhi becomes Prime Minister of India


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