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Country Walking, Media House, Lynch Wood, Peterborough PE2 6EA



The 35-year beach trip

Your write up on Sandwood Bay reminded me of my fixation on the place many years ago. Channel 4 was in its infancy when they ran a series showing various walks around the UK. Being a teenager with nothing else to do, I happened on the episode about Sandwood Bay and it just stuck that it was somewhere I felt the need to go to. I duly sent off for the accompanying leaflet, only to put it away in a drawer. Fast-forward 35 years and I found the leaflet just before heading off to explore the north-west coast of Scotland – so it seems it was destined. Arriving early and being the first ones on the beach that morning was unbelievable. It lived up to my expectations: beautiful, remote and wild! Thank you for the reminder of such a special place!

James Pridmore, North Yorkshire


The letter of the month wins a Berghaus waterproof jacket worth (£225). The Cornice (men’s) and Glissade (women’s) jackets have been firm favourites with walkers for decades, are superb quality and always score highly in Country Walking gear tests.

Lyke and recommend

Your article on the Lyke Wake Walk in October was great to read and brought back many happy memories. In the early eighties in Birmingham, the collection of our children from school was shared between a number of local parents. One day the mum on duty turned up with our son sporting an anorak with a black, coffinshaped badge attached. I immediately wanted to know what sinister club she was a part of before she collected our son again! It was the start of a friendship which was to last and grow down the years. Tonia and Geoff were walkers who both loved the Lyke Wake and were keen to share all they knew about it, and soon encouraged my wife and I to join them. Our first attempt was one dark, wet Friday midnight starting from Ravenscar – and we were only to get a few hours into the walk before being encouraged by Rangers to give up, due to severe weather. Not to be put off, we returned the following weekend and had a much better result. Our group grew, mainly by word of mouth but also by reading and answering a plea in a walking magazine, from a lady who wanted to ‘have a go’ and was looking for a group to join. I’ve attempted the walk on six occasions, completing four. One cancelled due to the weather and one due to a knee injury. I can highly recommend the walk!

Howard Moore, Llandrinio

I’m a road man

Thank you, Matthew Pike for ‘Here’s One For The Roads’ (Oct 23). I thought it was just me who enjoyed the wonderful offering of a quiet country lane. Like Matthew, I’ve often wondered if lane walking is true ‘country’ walking, but I’ve had some of my best rural en

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