
2 min read

Meanderings we couldn’t fit into the issue, but which seemed terribly important at the time...

Sara Herbert-Mattick, Senior Editorial Assistant

Miles walked this month: 25

It’s funny how some of the things we love might not seem to have anything in common. My favourite place is the Isle of Wight, where I was born and where I return to given half a chance and a ferry ticket. My favourite musician is a Canadian metal guitarist called Devin Townsend. At first glance, his records (with titles like Deadhead, Call of the Void and, er, Bastard) might not connect naturally with Tennyson Down and Brighstone Bay. But they do have something in common, which is their ability to lift me up. I was back home on the island earlier this month, wandering around Blackgang Chine with my family (there’s nowhere like it on Earth, trust me on this), and it felt like the whole world could melt away and I’d be where I was meant to be, with the people I’m meant to be with. The same happens with Devin’s song, Spirits Will Collide: ‘Don’t you forget just who we are, we’re strong enough/Remember the flame in your heart burns strong/We may not be brave, but let’s start.’

Yeah. One’s an island, one’s a guitarist, but they both get me.

Note to self: Devin might never play the Isle of Wight, but if he does, I’m there.

Matthew Pike, Routes Editor

Miles walked this month: 98 There are certain things that make arty folk recoil in disgust – red and green together, avocado bathrooms, the font Comic Sans. And I’m sure you could add the combination of ‘my head’ and ‘headwear’ to that list. Does anyone else suffer from the affliction of looking terrible in whatever cosy or sun shield they drape over their noggin?

Take my #Walk1000miles cap – I see pictures of challengers looking great in these every day. But for some reason, as with every cap I try, it looks like I’m wearing a visored swim cap. Then there’s my RAB Mythic Alpine down jacket (one of the coolest things I’ve ever owned). It looks great… until I

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