26 county down dundrum to newcastle

2 min read

■Distance: 5¾ miles/9.3km ■Time: 3 hours ■Grade: Moderate


The Mourne Mountains at sunset from the final stretch of the walk.


The Mourne mountains are visible for much of this walk, which ends with a beachside stretch that heads straight for them. The Irish poet and songwriter Percy French wrote a song in about 1896 called The Mountains o’ Mourne, which is full of nostalgia for the place ‘where the dark Mourne sweeps down to the sea’ just as it does here. The walk starts near the picturesque ruins of Dundrum castle, originally built around 1177 by John de Courcy, an ambitious Anglo-Norman knight. A loop around Dundrum village on green paths brings us into the Murlough nature reserve, where mudflats attract all kinds of waterbirds and the ancient dune system is rich in flowers and butterflies.

1 Start

Arriving from Newcastle, get off bus at Spar bus stop in Dundrum and walk a few steps in direction bus was travelling. Opposite Mourne Seafood Bar, turn L up Manse Road and soon R up Castle Hill, following sign to Dundrum Castle. Keep straight up lane to castle.

2 ½ mile/0.8km

Explore impressive ruins of Dundrum Castle (free) then carry on along track beside wall with castle on R. Fork L near gate onto grassy track between mossy walls. Continue on stony track between houses. Near farm, keep L and turn L down lane. Take care on this stretch as cars come fast in both directions! After 300m, turn sharp R into Moneylane Road.

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