27 north yorkshire janet’s foss, gordale scar & malham cove

2 min read


■Distance: 5 miles/8km ■Time: 3 hours ■Grade: Moderate


The limestone amphitheatre of Malham Cove.


Few routes pack so many punches in such a short distance as this classic circuit around Malham’s spectacular attractions. The first of these is Janet’s Foss, a small but sublime waterfall in a wooded ravine. Legend has it that Janet is a Fairy Queen who lives in a cave behind the falls. Close by is Gordale Scar, a dramatic gorge with 100m cliffs, concealed from view until the very last moment. Created by torrents of glacial meltwater cutting down through a geological faultline, it has been inspiration for artists and poets alike such as Wordsworth and Turner. Finally, there’s Malham Cove itself, a huge limestone amphitheatre topped by a large expanse of deeplyfissured limestone pavement. With gorgeous drystone wall countryside linking these attractions, this is truly one of the Yorkshire Dales’ most outstanding short walks.

1 Start

Return to the road from the car park and turn L toward the village’s centre. Just before reaching the Buck Inn, turn R to cross a small footbridge over Malham Beck, then R again once over, soon passing through a gate on a section of the Pennine Way. After another gate turn L, following

the signs for Janet’s Foss. After passing to the L of a barn, continue ahead on the excellent path, through three more sets of gates until a final gate gives entry to the woods.

2 1¼ miles/1.9km

Follow the path through the woodland until reaching Janet’s Foss. Then ascend the rocky path to the L of the falls and emerge through a gate onto a road. Turn R and pass a layby with two bridges over Gordale Beck. Just after the road bends R, go through the gate on the L. Follow the path all the way up to Gordale Scar which is revealed suddenly and dramatically.

3 2 miles/3.2km

Retrace steps from Gordale Scar back to road. Turn R to return to the layby and pass through a kissing gate signed for Malham Cove. Cross the field and ascend by the wall. Pass through another gate and walk diagonally across the next field, to climb the steps and go through the gate. Turn L and follow the path, with the wall to your L, to where

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