18 north yorkshire malham tarn

2 min read


■Distance: 9 miles/14.6km ■Time: 4-5 hours ■Grade: Challenging

Gordale Scar viewpoint from between 2 and 3.

There’s much more to Malham than just Malham Cove and Gordale Scar. To the north of the village lies the glacial lake of Malham Tarn. At a height of 377m above sea level, it’s one of only a handful of alkaline lakes in Europe and with a mix of habitats, it teems with wildlife and is a National Nature Reserve. Remarkably, the tarn’s outflow stream disappears underground at the aptly named Water Sinks, to reemerge over a mile away at the foot of Malham Cove. This route travels the dry valley between Water Sinks and the Cove and also ascends the western side of Gordale Scar, giving a sensational view of that ravine.

1 Start Leave car park and turn L into village. Fork R opposite Buck Inn (signed Gordale and Malham Tarn) and follow narrow road for 1 mile. Shortly after passing path to Janet’s Foss on R, turn L at a lay-by to go through gate into field.

2 1 mile/1.4km Cross to wall then ascend grassy slope with wall on R. Pass through gate, then turn hard R, off main path, and cross to gap in wall. Climb steep slope on worn path. Just after climbing through band of limestone, detour R on faint grassy path, over a tumbleddown wall, to viewpoint for Gordale Scar. Return to main path and follow upwards, keeping R at forks to join path coming up from Scar. Climb wall stile then continue on path ahead, signed for Malham Tarn. As road is neared, leave path L to climb wall stile onto road.


Start/parking Malham Yorkshire Dales National Park Centre Car Park (P&D), BD23 4DA, grid ref SD899627 Is it for me?

Mostly good to excellent maintained or grassy paths and quiet tarmac road.

Rougher walking between 5 and 6 where the limestone underfoot can be slippery Stiles 4


Nearest town Settle (7 miles) Refreshments The Secret Garden, Beck Hall Hotel (01729 830729) Public toilets Car park at start Public transport North Yorkshire Council Minibuses 210 & 211 from Skipton/Gargrave

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