17 cumbria dodd wood

2 min read


■Distance: 4¾ miles/7.5km ■Time: 3 hours ■Grade: Moderate

A fine view over Derwent Water from the summit of Dodd.

Dodd is a distinctive conical fell sitting at the south-western flank of mighty Skiddaw. It was covered from root to summit in conifer plantations from the 1920s onwards (much to the dismay of guidewriter Alfred Wainwright) but a steady program of reduction has seen its upper slopes re-emerge over the past two decades. In 1863, George Smith, known as the Skiddaw Hermit, made his home on the fell, living for three years in a makeshift ‘nest’ on a ledge above Scalebeck Gill. Today Dodd Wood is carefully managed by Forestry England with a network of walking trails, two osprey viewing points, and a tearoom (the Old Sawmill) at its foot which is part of the nearby Mirehouse estate. The first half of this route follows the green-waymarked Dodd Summit Trail up through the plantations to the summit, where there are wonderful views over Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water. The descent deviates from the waymarked trail to see more of the area where George Smith made his home, and to visit the two osprey viewpoints.

1 Start Take track heading uphill past tearoom and immediately turn L, crossing footbridge (note waymarkers for Dodd Wood Trail). Climb sharply to reach forest track. Turn R then immediate L, following waymarkers. Climb steadily to junction, turning sharply R and continuing uphill. Track becomes a path through woodland, crossing a footbridge then descending to forest road.


Start/parking Dodd Wood/Mirehouse car park, grid ref NY235281, postcode CA12 4QE Is it for me?

Mostly waymarked trails and forest tracks (although the complex network of tracks can make navigation more tricky in places; refer to route map if unsure) Stiles None


Nearest town Keswick Refreshments Old Sawmill Tearoom at start (mirehouse.co.uk) Public toilets At start Public transport Stagecoach bus 554 between Keswick and Wigton stops at the car park starting point (stagecoachbus.com) Maps OS Explorer OL4; Landranger 90; Harvey Superwalker XT25 Lake Di

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