16 cumbria coniston water

2 min read


■Distance: 8 miles/12.7km ■Time: 5 hours ■Grade: Moderate

Looking east to Walna Scar and Brown Pike from Torver Back Common.

This circular walk initially follows the western shore of Coniston Water, where the path runs north through the woods close to the lake. It continues past a fine old farmhouse hall (just look at those chimneys!) to cross fields leading into Coniston village. The return route makes use of the former railway line – now an excellent well-maintained permissive path – before crossing the low bumpy tops of Torver Back Common with a couple of small photogenic tarns along the way. From here, there are panoramic views to the full skyline of the Coniston fells.

1 Start Take track from parking area and go through kissing gate, followed by gate on R. Walk down towards lake – you are on Cumbria Way – and pass jetty. The lakeshore path, often through trees, is obvious and easy to follow, though rough in places. Pass through couple of small gates to arrive at area of cleared trees. Go through gate at wall and keep on broad path to another jetty, followed by footbridge. Pass through another wall/gate into area of oak trees and cross footbridge to boathouse, and a building set back from lake.

2 2 miles/3.2km Keep ahead, now over easier terrain, go through gate and turn R on surfaced pathway. Pass through small gate back to shore and cross footbridge with couple of gates. Path now runs over grass next to lake; continue ahead to gate at next wall. Join track through campsite and continue to meet tarmac near historic Coniston Hall farmhouse.


Start/parking Parking area on east side of A5084 south of Torver, grid ref SD288926, LA21 8BJ Is it for me?

Low level walk with lake shore path, commons, fields, woods and former railway line Stiles None


Nearest town Ambleside Refreshments Plenty of choice in Coniston and two pubs at Torver Public toilets Coniston Public transport Nearest stations Windermere and Ulverston with bus connections to Coniston and Torver Maps OS Explorer OL6; Landranger 97

3 2¾ miles/4.5km Pass sailing club on R and turn R by barn onto broad gravel path over field to gate and bridge. Keep on main path over next field and turn R after 300m. The well-maintained path passes gate to reach Lake Road. Turn L here, then R at top

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