14 derbyshire lantern pike & middle moor

2 min read



■Distance: 5¾ miles/9.2km ■Time: 3½ hours ■Grade: Challenging

Climbing Lantern Pike.


Lantern Pike only road. Curve R up steps to take take R subway under main Exit car park at entrance to steeply to the summit. moorland before climbing from Hayfield over wild using the historic Snake Path a circular approach to the hill free access. This route takes Trust who allow the public is owned by The National of a warning beacon. Today it fact that it was once the site unusual name comes from the Hayfield and Kinder Scout. Its magnificent viewpoint for but its summit ridge is a rises to 1224ft/373m

1 Star Exit car park at entrance to take R subway under main road. Curve R up steps to take path past George Hotel to road. Go L and cross bridge. Go R by chemist taking Bank Street to a junction.

Go R on Kinder Road to take bridleway L (The Snake Path).

Rise to go R by a gate and pass through a kissing gate. Pass through another gate and continue by a wall. Pass through gate (one of two) and rise to pass through a kissing gate in wall. Continue on path beyond. Pass through another gate. Follow path beyond to pass through gate to a path junction by ‘National Trust Snake Path’ sign.

2 1½ miles/2.4km

Go L to descend by wall. Near wall corner at the bottom take path R. Follow this to a gate L near sign for ‘Middle Moor’. Go L through gate. Take track beyond to shortly go L at junction. Follow this track to the A624.

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