01 cornwall westdowns to polzeath

2 min read


■Distance: 15 miles/24.3km ■Time: 8 hours ■Grade: Challenging

Port Isaac, beyond Point 3.


Viewers of ITV’s Doc Martin (with Martin Clunes) will be familiar with the picturesque fishing village of Port Isaac on the North Cornwall coast, even if they’ve never been there! Between here and Polzeath is a delightful, scenic stretch of the South West Coast Path, much of it in the care of the National Trust, including the wonderful Rumps and Pentire Points. In the other direction there’s splendid cliff scenery all the way north to Tintagel. A good bus service links Polzeath with Port Isaac and from there continues inland to Camelford. Alighting from the bus at Westdowns, it’s an easy walk to the coast, which you’ll reach midway between Tintagel and Port Isaac. A strenuous but spectacular clifftop walk follows…

Take bus from Polzeath to Westdowns. Ask to be dropped off at turning on L signed for Treligga. Walk along lane ignoring first L turn and take next L to Tregardock. From there turn R along path signed ‘To the coastpath’. Keep ahead where path forks and on down to intersection to join South West Coast Path (CP), turning L.

Route-finding should be very straightforward from now on with some impressive cliff scenery to enjoy. However, there are a number of steep valleys that have to be descended and ascended along this section to Port Gaverne. Eventually CP joins access road from house called Silver Spray. Turn R at road and L in a few paces down quite steep path/concrete drive to Port Gaverne Hotel.

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