Your view

3 min read

The View



Last week my friend Dan and I, and our dogs Misty and Oakley, completed the Cleveland Way so I thought I’d let all your readers know about how great it was and would definitely recommend for an adventure!

There really is something for everyone. Beautiful views (some say the finest in the land) hills, woods, streams, cliffs, beaches: you name it, it has it all in one journey. But don’t underestimate it as there are sooo many ups and downs! Coming from Yaxley on the edge of the fens, I don’t think our legs or heads could get over it, but luckily with fantastic weather and company to boot we stomped on, and with something interesting over every hill the miles seem to just melt away. Fantastic trip, and the volunteers who keep the trail so easy to follow – clearing the bushes and keeping the path perfect – do an amazing job. We’re already planning our next adventure.


The letter of the month wins a Berghaus waterproof jacket worth (£225). The Cornice (men’s) and Glissade (women’s) jackets have been firm favourites with walkers for decades, are superb quality and always score highly in Country Walking gear tests.

Through the pages of your sterling magazine you often refer to walkers as partaking in a pilgrimage.

While doing a spot of hill walking in Pembrokeshire last November I came across this waymarker and discovered that it’s another coast to coast route, crossing from Lowestoft in the east to St David’s in the west.

Having completed five C2Cs including the Southern Upland Way and Offa’s Dyke, I feel at 470 miles it’s a tad too long for me. However, I thought it may be of interest to some of your more intrepid readers.

Find out more about the Via Beata at

A stile with style

A Country Walking subscription was a Christmas gift to us and we’re thoroughly enjoying all the content. My wife Carolyn and I are both involved with our local Ramblers group and part of our work is installing new kissing gates to replace stiles and improve accessibility.

Your recent photo collection of stiles from around the countryside coincided with us replacing three stiles of an impressive type we’d never seen before – beautifully built and meant to last. The upper crossbar just needed lifting on its pivot to allow folks to cross from one

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