The cat’s whiskers

3 min read

Treat your favourite feline to a fun set of toys and food bowl mat

Cat lovers rejoice, Sophia Palmer has created a fantastic gift set that any furry friend would love, including cute toys and a personalised food bowl mat. Using simple sewing techniques and machine zigzag appliqué, this project is great for beginners, and you can have so much fun personalising your food mats. Why not add two fish instead of a name or a bone to make it for a dog?

We used...

Craft cotton, two colours Felt scraps Bondaweb Sarille interlining Rope or string Toy stuffing Catnip (optional) Scissors All seam allowances 10mm unless stated otherwise.

Felt Ball

1 Cut a series of different sized circles from felt. The largest is roughly 7cm in diameter and the smallest is 2cm. You will need to cut enough of each size to make a ball shape which will depend on the thickness of the felt – try making at least two of each size and stacking them in a half ball shape to see if you need to add more, then repeat for the other side.

2 In the centre of each circle cut a tiny cross shape or hole no thicker than your rope or string. Tie a knot in one end of your string then start threading the felt circles on, creating the ball shape as you go. Tie a knot in the other end of the string to secure the felt shapes in place.

Food Bowl Mat

1 Cut two 22cm x 42cm pieces of your main cotton fabric, plus a piece of interlining the same size. Trace the fish template provided on the pattern pages onto Bondaweb. If you want to add a name, print it off from your computer and trace onto the Bondaweb as well. Make sure you trace your wording on the glue side first, so it ends up the right way around.

2 Loosely cut the fish and lettering out then lay them glue side down on the back of your contrasting fabric. Iron in place, following the manufacturer’s instructions then cut out neatly. Lay the cut shapes onto one of the cotton pieces, peel off the backing paper and iron in place. Use a narrow zigzag stitch to machine appliqué the pieces in place.

3 Once you’re happy with the appliqué front, lay the second cotton piece, right sides together, followed by the interlining piece on top. Sew around all four edges, leaving an 8cm gap. Trim the corners and turn right side out through the gap. Press flat. Topstitch around all four sides, sealing the gap as you go and press.

“If you struggle with zigzag appliqué, you can hand sew a blanket stitch around your wording and shapes if preferred”


Stuffed Mouse

1 Cut two mouse side shapes, four ears and one base shape from your chosen cotton fabrics,

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