Protein boosters

3 min read

Munch on these healthy, muscle-supporting meals post training

Fuel Your Riding

Protein shakes, bars and the like may have their place for speed and convenience in a hectic life, but for all-round healthier post-training muscle boosting, nutrition-packed meals win out every time. Try the tasty, satiating recipes below to help maximise muscle repair and growth for efficient training gains.

Steak, pomegranate and edamame bean salad (GF)

Enjoy the protein double whammy from the steak and edamame beans

The steak and edamame beans provide lots of protein. Toss the salad with pomegranate seeds and the gingery sweet and sour soy dressing for delicious flavours.


Prep 10-15mins

Cook 10mins

Serves 4


• 4 thick steaks – sirloin or rump


• 200g frozen edamame beans

• Pomegranate seeds

• Fresh coriander, chopped

• 15g fresh mint, chopped

• 2 carrots, sliced

• ½ cucumber, sliced

• 4 spring onions, sliced

• Radishes, sliced

• Fresh rocket

• 1 gem lettuce


• 2 tbsp tamari sauce

• 2 tbsp lime juice

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 2cm ginger, peeled and grated

• 1 tbsp honey

• 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed

• 1 fresh red chilli, seeds removed and finely sliced


01 Cook the edamame beans in a pan of boiling water for 2mins. Drain. Whisk together all the dressing ingredients.

02 Mix together the salad ingredients in a large bowl (saving a few herbs to serve) and toss with the dressing.

03 Brush the steak with a little olive oil and season with salt. Heat a griddle or non-stick frying pan to very hot. Lay the steaks on the griddle and cook for 2-3mins on each side, until pink in the middle. Transfer to a plate and leave to rest for 2mins.

04 Slice the steak into 3mm slices. Arrange the salad onto four plates and lay over the steak slices. Decorate with the extra chopped coriander and mint.

Recipe analysis

Per serving: 617Kcals • 35g fat

• 13g saturates • 19g carbohydrates

• 14g sugars • 6g fibre • 55g protein

• 1.6g salt

Key ingredient Edamame beans

These immature soy beans are stuffed with protein, and are a rare plant source of complete protein (they contain all the essential amino acids that your body can’t produce itself). These legumes also contain lots of vitamin K and folate, as well as iron, calcium and vitamins A and C, not to mention fibre. All in all, they’re a great option for those who don’t eat meat.

Spinach and chickpea pancakes with tahini sauce

Recipes Kate Percy Food fight James Witts Photography Steve Sayers; Getty

(V, GF)

The chickpeas, and the sesame seeds in the tahini, are great plant-based sources of protein. Your toppings could add even more…


Prep 10mins

Cook 8mi

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