Tributes paid to mark cavendish as he announces retirement

2 min read

At the Giro d’Italia, the legendary British sprinter announced he will hang up his wheels at the end of the current season

Tributes to Mark Cavendish have poured in from across the cycling world after the legendary British sprinter announced he will retire from the sport at the end of 2023.

The 38-year-old confirmed his plans to call time on his 17-year career in a press conference during Monday’s second rest day at the Giro d’Italia.

“Cycling’s been my life for over 25 years. I’ve lived an absolute dream,” he said, emotion clear in his eyes.

After the Manxman’s announcement, Geraint Thomas – his friend and former team-mate – heaped praise on Cavendish and recalled many fond memories of racing alongside him.

“He’s the greatest sprinter of all time really when you look at his record,” Thomas said. “It’s been an honour to ride with him, and I’ve been mates with him for 25 years. One of my team-mates, Thymen [Arensman] is 23, so that shows how old we both are now.

“I was there when he won the Worlds [in 2011], and we’ve raced as under 23s and juniors all over the world and got a lot of experiences together. It’s kind of strange to see him retire, as it means I’ll be soon as well. It’s a funny one as you kind of think you’ll always keep racing your bike but you know that really you’re not [going to].

The Manxman will bid farewell to bike racing this year

“He hasn’t finished yet, he’s still got to get that record at the Tour.”

Cavendish became British national road champion for a second time at last year’s championships held

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