Nichols and owen sweep up on the rake

3 min read

National Hill-Climb favourite list grows everlonger in Lancashire, reports Snowdon Sports

A single second separated winner Andy Nichols from his team-mate Kieran Wynne-Cattanach as they battled for honours on The Rake climb in Ramsbottom, Lancashire, on Sunday.

The Team Lifting Gear Products pair will both be in medal contention heading into the National Hill-Climb Championship later this month and there was little between them on the 875-metre climb.

Nichols flew up the climb, which ramps up in stages though the streets of Ramsbottom and has a maximum gradient of 22%, in a time of two minutes and 24 seconds. The 33-year-old added his name to an illustrious list of winners including the likes of Malcolm Elliott, Chris Boardman and Graeme Obree.

Wynne-Cattanach was narrowly behind in second and Jude Taylor (Team PB Performance) took third a further six seconds back (2:31). “Kieran has been close to me a few times and I suspect that if I was to do a longer race with him he might get me,” said Nichols after taking his eighth victory of the season. “I think our training runs [on The Struggle being used for the National Championship] have been very similar times but I’m finding he’s got the edge on me on these longer ones.

Owen wasn’t hanging around for the hurt

“We’re motivated to put in the best ride we can. I’ve mainly been focusing on the shorter climbs so I don’t really know what my longer race form will be like. I’ve been trying to do all the classic long-running hillclimbs this year. It’s been really fun getting the chance to race the really historic ones.”

Also showing her credentials ahead of a national championship challenge was Frances Owen who finished 25-seconds clear of her nearest opponent in the women’s classification The multidiscipline rider combines hill-climbing with road racing, triathlon and duathlon throughout the season.

Nichols: one second winner
Photos Andy Jones

The 31-year-old Wahoo Le Col rider was in fine form and despite going without a course recce she won on The Rake in a time of 3:14.

Veteran Gemma Mitchell (Team Boompods) was second in 3:39 and Ruth Dunstan (Kendal Cycle Club) completed the podium positions in 3:51.

“It was over in three minutes which is pretty quick, before you register how much you’re hurting you’re at the finish line,” said Owen. “I’m giving hill-climbs a bit of a go, less all-in for it this year than I have been in previous years. This is my second hill-climb this year and I’m pleased with how it went.

“Time-wise I would have liked to have gone a bit quicker, but you get out what you put in and that’s pretty fair.”

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