British road race national championships

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Five things you need to know about...

1New circuit, same finish

A cursory look at the headline finish at Saltburn Bank could lead you to believe this National Championships is a repeat of 2023, but the 2024 course takes a more languid route through the Tees Valley countryside than last year. However, the total distance is similar, so you’ll see the riders come past fewer times: five for the women, down from seven, and seven for the men, down from 10. That gives you more time to go to the bar at the Victoria pub a short walk from the course.

2There’s less climbing

In 2023, the men tackled over 4,000m of ascent; in 2024 that’s dropped to just 2,835m for the open race. The women’s race has fallen from 2,826m to 2,025m. Last year’s race was highly selective but expect a few more riders to be in contention come the closing stages this year.

3Georgi’s chance to equal Cooke

Pfeiffer Georgi would become only the second woman in the 21st century to successfully defend her title should she retain the British stripes on Sunday. While Lizzie Deignan has won three times, only Nicole Cooke, with a blistering tally of nine wins, has retained the title over consecutive years.

4Beware Brotton Bank

The climb into the village of Brotton proved very selective at last year’s race. Rising 52m over its 700m of tarmac, it reaches a gradient in the double digits in its second half. It was here that Anna Henderson (Visma-Lease a Bike) forced the decisive selection in the women’s race. From here it’s all downhill to the foot of Saltburn Bank. Stevie Williams (Israel-Premier Tech) and Claire Steels (Movistar) hold the KOM and QOM respectively, both set in last year’s race.

5Darlington’s chance to shine

In the 19th century, the town of Darlington was best known for hosting the debut of the 1,724kg Durham Ox, a gargantuan heifer that attracted crowds as it toured the country. On the evening of Friday 21 June the town welcomes the magni

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