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Show us how you’ve been getting creative by sending us your best shots and we’ll print the pick of the bunch every month

1 ‘Frozen Flatirons’ by Melissa Richards

This landscape was shot in Boulder, Colorado, USA, with an Apple iPhone XS. This area is known as The Flatirons, a popular destination for rock climbers, hikers – and photographers, of course. “I love getting out to take photos when the storms roll in from the mountains,” says Melissa. “I could see the snow starting to move in across the top of the Flatirons and loved the way it was shrouding the top of the rocks. It was very cold and windy, and I had to run up the hill and shoot quickly to get the framing the way I wanted because the snow was moving in fast.

“Almost immediately after I got this shot, the Flatirons disappeared into the snow and clouds. I was just in time and pretty fortunate to be able to capture the atmosphere of the storm overtaking the massive formations with the frosting of snow on the grass and trees. I’m always trying to capture images in a way that brings about the feeling of when I was standing there. And this one came out just the way I had hoped.”

Instagram: @kelvin_images Website:

Digital Camera says:

This is a stunning landscape that has everything in the right place, from the foreground to the snow on the trees and the sculpted mountains emerging from the mist in the distance. The subtle tones and the pastel greens and browns poking out from the covering of snow have resulted in a fantastic landscape image that is subtle and appealing to the eye. This shot captures Colorado at its very best.

2 ‘Crocuses’ by Victor Burnside

“This image was taken in Sparrow Park in Lytham, with an Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mk II and a Sigma 56mm lens on a cold, overcast day. I like taking pictures of flowers at ground level, so I positioned my camera on a bean bag on the ground. The settings were 1/8,000 sec at f/1.4, ISO 200, using silent mode.”

Instagram: @victorburnside

Digital Camera says:

The Sigma lens is ideal for shooting in low-light conditions and produces high-quality images like this one. It’s a fantastic floral shot, beautifully focused with a sharp cluster of crocuses and great depth-of-field effects, along with pleasingly contrasting colours.

3 ‘On the Perch’ by Dennis Woodthorpe

“This image was taken in my garden, using a LiDAR camera trigger and flash. I used three Godox TT600 flash units to illuminate the robin (two main lights and a fill light) and a further two to illuminate the background, which is a painted board. All the units were set at 1/16th power, which increases the speed to about 1/8,000 sec. The Sabre LiDAR trigger was aimed above the perch and attached to the camera, which was on a tripod and manually focused on the perch. The shot was ta

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