Course to success

8 min read


Peter Fenech meets Paweł Konkol to discover the benefits of enrolling on a photography degree and how a qualification can help you turn pro

Over recent years, the benefits of studying for a photography degree have become increasingly unclear. Rising tuition fees, an unstable economy and course syllabuses that have questionable value have meant that fewer people are choosing to study photography as a subject at university or college.

Gaining a degree may once have been a traditional route to professional photography, but the availability of digital cameras, online resources and free tuition have convinced many artists to teach themselves the basic skills and learn on the job. Though this has financial advantages, it has also been encouraged by a perceived lack of real-world training offered by traditional courses, meaning students are leaving university unprepared for the challenges of working or running their own photo business.

But are there benefits of a photography degree that go beyond learning pure practical skills and academic theory?

Paweł Konkol thinks so. As a current student at Technological University Dublin, Paweł has in-depth knowledge of the structure of a common photography course. Today, I’m joining him on a shoot for his portfolio to discuss the pros and cons of investing in formal qualifications.

We meet on a typically drizzly Irish morning by Dublin’s iconic O’Connell Bridge. As we discuss the inclement weather, Paweł jokes that at least the wet cobbled streets will be effective in his photos, explaining that he likes to use reflections in his images. I start by asking him to define his photographic style.

“I like to find the beauty in simple scenes,” he explains. “I’m meticulous when it comes to framing things, whether it’s people or buildings, and I’ll take as many images as I need until I’ve got it right. I have a bit of OCD when it comes to photography – Ilike straight lines and symmetry but I enjoy the ru

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