Psychic helpline

10 min read

World-renowned medium Gordon Smith, the Psychic Barber, helps you understand the spirit world

Do the DEAD talk to me?

Q As a funeral director, I look after many souls as they transition from this realm to the next. I love my job and often feel a deep connection with those I care for. I wonder, do the dead sometimes have an immediate awareness, somewhere between their death and their funeral?

A As a medium, I have given countless messages to families who have just lost loved ones, informing them of things they would like done, said or played at their funeral service. This tells me that they do have awareness and may even be able to influence how we celebrate them. I bet you have stories about this in your job, too. I’m sure that all the souls you look after appreciate the care and compassion you show them and their families. You are a ‘carer of souls’.

Did DAD visit?

Q A few months ago, life was getting on top of me. I couldn’t shake my low mood. I hit breaking point when my mobile went kaput and refused to switch on. In despair, I headed to the phone shop and, as I was walking, I saw my dad, who died five years ago, across the road. It was definitely him, down to his jumper and shoes.

As I followed him, my phone suddenly sprang back to life, and I felt complete peace.Then I looked up again and he was gone.

Did I really see Dad? And was it a sign all will be OK?

A I have heard many accounts of loved ones in spirit appearing in the most unlikely ways and times to lift our spirits and let us know all is well. The synchronicity of events in your life at this moment probably allowed you to see your father’s spirit the way you did. When people get over-anxious, or feel low, it can let them drift into a sort of altered state, a bit like a medium does when they get messages from the other side.

Dad brought life back to your phone to tell you that everything is to live for!

Does the PIG have a message?

Q As a child, I bought my grampy a pig ornament. He loved pigs and drew one on every card he wrote.That pig inspired him to start a collection of pig ornaments on his fireplace.

When he died, the pig was given back to me. Every so often, it leaps off the shelf, but there’s nothing that could have knocked it or brushed it off. Is Grampy trying to tell me something?

A If I had a pound for every story like yours, I’d be a rich man. I believe our loved ones sometimes affect things in our life when they want us to know they can still be a part of our life and watch over us from the spirit world.

I also believe his message was a very simple one. He just wants you to know he is often in your space, loving you and watching over you.

Are we on different PATHS?

Q I’m struggling with feeling in a different phase of life to some of my friends. My partner and I are no

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