Psychic helpline

10 min read

Britain's BEST PSYCHICS are here to help you!

World-renowned medium Gordon Smith, the Psychic Barber, helps you understand the spirit world

Where is my FRIEND?

Q I recently struck up a friendship with a very kind and intelligent man who helped me through a particularly difficult time in my life, going for walks with me and lending me books. I then went into hospital for a few weeks, but when I got out, I was told he had passed away suddenly, aged 58. I’d even missed the funeral.

I am so shocked and sad. Nobody can tell me how he died and I find myself fearing he took his own life (he’d suffered from depression in the past). Can you please tell me what happened to him and if he is now at peace?

A The simple answer to your question is yes, your friend is very much at peace now. When we pass to the spirit world, we lose our physical and emotional pains and problems. It has often been likened to a butterfly emerging from the tight restraints of a cocoon.

I get a strong feeling that he wants you to go on the same walks you did with him and be aware of his presence close to you. He is still your friend in Heaven.

What does this MOTH mean?

Q I've been feeling Spirit is around me, mainly because of marks that keep appearing on my belongings and the growing number of feathers that keep appearing on my doormat. So I recently had an online reading. While it was pretty vague, there was one odd comment about an ‘annoying moth’ in my house. Days later, a huge moth appeared in my kitchen! Now I wonder if Spirit was sending me a moth to show they are there?

A Our spirit friends try to use as many signs as they can find to let us know they are close to us. If you get a strong feeling when you come across their signs, it’s usually confirmation that this is a true message. My instinct says your moth is a sign of transformation and good changes to come into your life. Don’t be afraid to ask Spirit for confirmation when you suspect a sign. Remember, your spirit friends and family want to give you messages.

Can they make CONTACT?

Q I have two questions about the spirit world that I have always wanted to ask. First, can family members you’ve never met (because they died before you were born) contact you from the spirit world? And second, can young children and babies who have passed over (so young that they hadn’t yet learned to talk) still contact family members and send messages in the same way adult spirits can? Thank you.

A Many people receive messages from relatives who passed before they were born. There is no time in the spirit world, so older relatives can still make contact if there is a relevant message to pass to a loved one in this life.

Messages from the very young are often communicated by an older, deceased family member. The important thing ab

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