Home is where the dark is

2 min read

Our creepy new house is a dream come true.

Gazing around our spacious new home, I sighed heavily.

It was the perfect size with three bedrooms and three bathrooms, but there was one glaring problem.

I absolutely hated the whole interior.

Everything was white, shiny and minimalist.

‘I can’t live in an all-white house,’ I told my husband, Brandon.

‘I know, but you’re going to work your magic on it,’ he smiled confidently.

It had been my dream to live in a gothic castle for as long as I could remember. As a teen, a family friend gifted me the Twilight book series and it started my love affair with vampire novels.

Fortunately, Brandon, an artist, was also a huge fan of the gothic style — we’d even had a gothic-themed wedding.

The vampire room
Brandon and me

So we headed to the DIY store and filled our trolley with tubs of black paint.

‘What shall we do first?’ Brandon asked.

‘Let’s paint the kitchen walls,’ I said.

When we’d finished, I stood back and admired the dark new look.

‘I feel more at home already,’ I smiled.

Every weekend, we tackled another room and painted all the walls either black, dark green or grey.

I scoured secondhand shops for vintage furniture that went perfectly with our theme. Some were actual Victorian pieces. Then I bought spooky-looking light fittings, paintings and cast-iron chandeliers.

For our bed, I found the perfect Dracula-esque headboard. When our bedroom was done, I was over the moon with how it looked.

We named it the vampire room!

One day, I messaged a seller online about a cabinet and he explained it had belonged to his grandma, who had passed away.

Our house before

‘My wife is desperate to get rid of it because it’s creepy,’ he said.

‘I love creepy — I’ll take it,’ I replied.

I soon realised what his wife meant about the cabinet, because I felt a strong presence

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