The stars rule my life!

5 min read

Real lives

Astrology has helped me choose a partner, move house and even plan my holidays.

Craning over my mother’s shoulder, I looked at the astrology chart, fascinated.

I was five years old.

It’s my earliest memory — watching my mother draw up a birth chart. My mum was obsessed with astrology, as was my grandmother.

Growing up, it was normal to hear them both discussing the planets over meals. They never made a big decision without consulting the stars first.

When I was 11, my mother taught me the basics of astrology. I learnt about the meanings of the sun signs, the 12 planets and the houses. Astrologers believe that each planet has a particular energy. I remember my mum saying: ‘Where the planets are placed in the sky at your moment of birth influences your life.’

Me and Mum

She explained that the birth chart is a cosmic map, a way to navigate through life. The planets can suggest the best times to do certain things, and offer guidance for change and transformation.

So like my mother and grandmother, I don’t make major life decisions without consulting the planets first.

I use them for emotional guidance too. When I met my partner Alan at an astrology conference, in 2002, he seemed nice. But within 10 minutes of meeting, I asked: ‘What’s your birth sign?’ I wanted to make sure we were compatible.

Alan’s an Aquarius and I’m a Libra, both air signs and both thinkers who love chatting. As the stars said ‘yes’ we started dating and soon developed a deep connection.

At the time, I lived in Surrey and Alan in Yorkshire so we travelled back and forth. After seven years, though, we were ready to settle in one place.

I looked at the planets and it was a favourable move for me to head North, so I did.

Fortunately, Alan is as obsessed with astrology as me.

If we’re looking at a joint life issue, we do our own astrological calculations, then we print out the charts and chat in the kitchen before making any decisions.

I believe in planet power so much that when we moved house, in 2015, I delayed picking up the keys. Alan agreed. The estate agent wanted to do the handover at 10am on a particular day, when the Moon was square Saturn.

The Moon is also connected to the home, so any planet squaring could cause difficulties.

If we’d collected the keys in the morning there was a likelihood they would have been lost. Waiting a few hours, when the Moon had moved away from the square, reduced the chance of any mix-ups and the move went smoothly.

In fact, I trust the planets to

Me with Mum and Gran guide all areas of my life, even what I eat. Last year, I was feeling sluggish and put on a few pounds, s

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