Lady cadaver

1 min read

Who was that old lady walking towards the morgue?

Sipping my cup of tea, I was relieved to take a few minutes break from my busy nursing shift. Suddenly, there was a commotion.

‘Can anyone take a blood sample up to the lab?’ someone called. ‘We need the results as soon as possible.’

‘I’ll take them,’ I said, knowing how stretched everyone was.

Holding the blood sample carefully, I took the stairs up to the fifth floor lab.

The corridor leading to the lab was long and dark and not a place I relished walking at night-time.

As I made my way along, I soon realised two porters, one young and one older, were coming towards me walking either side of a hospital trolley.

It was a trolley that transported dead bodies, with a blanket placed respectfully on top.

Me in my nursing days
Me now

But who’s that walking behind them? I wondered.

Gradually, I became aware of a barefoot, grey-haired old lady in her 80s dressed in a long white hospital gown following the trolley.

Why are they allowing a patient to wander around like that? I thought, shocked. Surely, she should be in bed?

I carried on walking, wondering whether I should say anything in case she was lost. As we all passed each other, I realised in astonishment that the porters didn’t know the old lady was there.

Then the strangest thing happened — she spoke to me.

‘They are good lads, these two,’ she said, smiling kindly.

I carried on walking, still confused as to who she was.


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