I manifested my dream home

3 min read

My psychic journey

Finding a new place to live was proving difficult — until I turned to magic.

Our pretty garden
The sunny kitchen

Walking around my house, I opened every window to let the fresh air in, and struck a Tibetan singing bowl in each room to cleanse the energy with sound.

Then I lit a candle, sat in each room and thought about all the memories my family had made there.

‘I am truly grateful for everything here,’ I said out loud. ‘I am ready to move on now. Thank you, beautiful home.’

I did this ritual every day for five days, on the advice of a spiritual teacher.

It was 2020, I was about to turn 40, and had started asking big questions about the meaning of life. This led me to learn reiki and kundalini yoga, and explore manifestation.

I’d separated from my husband in 2018, but we’d been living under the same roof. Now we were divorced and I wanted to say goodbye to our family home and start a new chapter.

Our twin girls were 12, and I really wanted us to have a four-bed home, where we could each have a bedroom and a spare room for guests.

At the time I had a good job in a bank, yet our dream home seemed out of reach because I was now a single mum and life was expensive.

I got it into my head that if I could raise a £30,000 deposit, I’d be able to get a mortgage for a four-bed house in our local area near Birmingham. All I needed was some fairy dust!

Our family house had been on the market for 11 months already. During that time we’d had offers at £70,000 under the asking price.

However, within five days of doing the ritual, something incredible happened. The house sold at just £5,000 under the asking price, leaving me with a good amount towards that deposit.

Then my car was stolen, and although it was a shock and inconvenience, I was given compensation through my insurance.

The payout helped me more than reach my £30,000 goal — I’d done it!

Now I had the money, all I had to do was find the perfect place for me and my girls.

So every day for two months, I visualised, imagining what it was like to be living a happy life in this spacious new home with my daughters.

After viewing over 30 unsuitable houses, I began to feel downhearted.

Then on the way to see yet another property, I spotted a beautiful Edwardian house — it was completely different to the new-build home I’d imagined us in, but full of charm.

Looking at the front door, I

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