The witch that makes you rich!

2 min read

Need some money to come your way? Each month, author and world-renowned witch, Rachel Patterson, will cast a spell to boost your luck and prosperity

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Magic and spellworking can be simple or it can be complicated and, of course, any variation in between. I like to keep things simple and use items I have to hand. For me, witchcraft shouldn’t cost the earth. I love working magic with things that are ordinary, and knot and cord magic is one of those ways for creating prosperity and abundance. When you’re working magic, it’s really important that you have the intention for it to succeed. Use your visualisation skills to ‘see’ your goal. It doesn’t need to be a high-definition image, as long as you put effort into seeing and/or feeling that money and prosperity will come your way.

It’s also important to remember you are worthy of accepting that abundance!

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