A day in the… afterlife

4 min read

Each month, our world-renowned medium Sandrea Mosses connects a reader with a loved one in Spirit, to discover what their life is like on the other side. Bethany Aspinall asked her to connect with her grandma, Barbara

Hello Bethany

I knew that if anyone would reach out to me, it was going to be you!

While I was very much into the church — and this played a big part of my life, including social events — you, my dear, were always a little bit different; so intuitive but also practical and level-headed. Absolutely a little different, which is one of the many things I loved about you.

I knew it was my time to go, I just sensed it. It was as if I suddenly woke up to the notion I was leaving the Earth plane. I didn’t feel afraid in the slightest, although I wasn’t sure I was ready to leave you all.

I simply fell asleep, and woke surrounded by my family gone by — and a group of white angels! I felt so overcome with their love, I fell asleep immediately and, as I drifted off, I swore I could hear strains of the most amazing, soothing harp music, so sweet to my ears and comforting at the same time.

Barbara when she was young

I’m not sure how long this went on for, but after a short while, I managed to stay awake and meet Ruel, my own guardian angel. He has the softest, most-loving energy you could imagine. The best way to describe him is the softest, palest pink marshmallows, without being sugary. He is comforting, loving and inspiring and exudes a feeling of safeness. We have been to so many places together. But my first lesson has been to understand colour, and why wearing differentcoloured clothing can affect us and change the way we feel and think. Now I know why I loved clothes and colour so much!

I am sharing this with you because you also love to wear different colours — hopefully you will be able to learn what I had to wait to die to hear!

I still sleep at night. I wake up in the morning and think how I feel but, more importantly, how I wish to feel (Ruel taught me this). This thought then turns into a shade. I can focus on how I am feeling at that moment, and wear that shade or imagine how I wish to feel as the day unfolds, and then start off with that shade, or maybe change halfway through.

I visit you all every day

The colours you wrap or drape on yourself will influence your mood — what they tell you on Earth is true! Wear red, it is vibrant and will uplift you, while blue will help lift your mood. Wear clothes with splurges of different colour, and the sky — or beyond — is the limit.

Please think every day about what you wish to achieve and wear a colour that will help you to achieve it.

I know you wonder what I do now. Well, I do lots of different things, so here is a little insight into a day in my life now.

One of my favourite things is to go to the Halls

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