Your july astro guide

19 min read


Our expert astrologer Lucy Lam reveals what your month has in store for you...

Edited by Lucy Lam

There’s plenty of good stuff going on after last month’s stunning Jupiter/Pluto transit, so we should embrace the luck in our lives and count our blessings.

The biggest news this month is that Neptune will begin its annual retrograde motion on 2 July, where it will remain until December. On a societal level, this period could bring about the unveiling of illusions or hidden truths.

Neptune’s influence may reveal areas where the public has been misled or

Dates to remember

5th The new Moon beams into Cancer. Emotional responses to events may be more pronounced, with people seeking comfort in familiarity. Mars and Saturn work together to ensure security.

11th Venus enters proud Leo. This is a time creative arts and cultural events can flourish. We should make the world beautiful in whatever way we can.

15th Mars, planet of strength, and Uranus, which rules tech, fuse in Taurus, and there may be sudden shifts related to money. Innovations in technology can create new openings.

20th Mars enters Gemini, bringing energy to communication and travel. This could be a period of increased activity, with potential for both conflict and resolution through dialogue.

22nd The Sun beams into Leo and brings a feeling of hope. We become more open, cheerful and generous, and more willing to look forward in life. where collective denial has obscured reality. Scandals, especially those involving drugs, alcohol or corruption could come to light, prompting a collective re-evaluation. And we still need to be switched on when it comes to what’s going on now. Decision-making by the people in power may be clouded by misinformation, wishful thinking, or a lack of practical grounding.

On the plus side, there will be heightened awareness of the suffering of others and a collective push towards charitable actions or policy changes aimed at helping those in need. What happens now can inspire greater kindness, understanding, and a desire to heal the world.

Happy birthday Cancer

Summer sees you seriously considering how you can make a meaningful difference to the world — think charity and kindness. You might revisit past issues or power dynamics within partnerships.

In September, an education dream becomes a reality at last. It’s a new beginning with loved ones in October. What was suggested last spring may materialise as a genuine fresh start, and can transform your home life. It could mean the arrival of new family members, too. In November, rekindling the spark in your relationship is likely — or even attracting someone new. This has the potential to be a wonderful time for couples. In December, expect surprises, revelations and romance.

In 2025, you’ll find that friendships become easier, and

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