Sounds good!

6 min read

Sonic boom

Did you know that sound can be used to heal our bodies and minds? We explore this increasingly popular technique and show you how to give it a go

Ever cried out in pain after stubbing your toe? Listened to music to help you relax? Or found that belting out your favourite song lifts your spirits?

It might surprise you to know that these are all forms of sound healing.

Just like other forms of healing, such as crystals or reiki, it works by retuning the vibrations in your body, only this time using sound.

‘Everything is in a state of vibration,’ explains Jonathan Goldman, author of The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing (Hay House, £10.99) and founder of the Sound Healers Association. ‘Therefore everything, from plants and animals to our own organs, not only gives off sound but can be healed by it.’

Today, conventional doctors use ultrasound — sound waves that are above our range of hearing — to speed up the healing of bones, detect abnormalities in the body, and to help in prenatal care. They also recommend listening to music to help those suffering from insomnia.

But now, sound healing as a spiritual practice is gaining popularity, too.

‘Anyone can receive extraordinary benefits from delving into this form of healing, by learning to use sound for stress and pain relief, relaxation, sleep enhancement and much more,’ says Jonathan.

Back in the 1930s, a psychic called Edgar Cayce predicted that the medicine of the future would be based on sound. Here, Jonathan explains how sound healing works and shows you some simple techniques you can practise at home to lead a healthier, happier life. So, listen up and let’s get started!

Sound secret: Intention is everything

When it comes to healing, it isn’t just the sound that’s important, it’s the intention behind it too.

This power of intent was put to the test in an experiment in which researchers made three sound recordings of the ocean, then later played them back to people to see how they made them feel.

First, they made a straight recording of the ocean. Next, they asked a group of people to sit on the beach and silently meditate on peace and love while the second recording was made. Finally, they made a third recording while the same group of people thought about things that made them angry and fearful.

All three recordings of the sea sounded exactly the same. But the one made while people were channelling nice thoughts had a more positive effect on listeners, while the recording with people thinking negative thoughts had a negative effect.

Give it a go You can try this amazing power of intent yourself. Find a partner and, in person or over the phone, say some nice and loving words to them while projecting negative intent towards them, such as anger or hatred. Really imagine that’s what you’re feeling, but speak t

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