Miracle on the motorway

3 min read

Real lives

After a near-death experience, I realised someone was watching over me. But who was my guardian angel?

Me and Nikita

Loading our shopping into the boot of my new car, I felt a slump of exhaustion nearing the end of a busy weekend.

‘Come on, Nikita,’ I said to my 16-year-old daughter. ‘Let’s get home.’

To save time, I took the motorway route back to our house in Derbyshire, which I didn’t often do.

It had been raining for three days and the roads were slippery, so I took extra care.

But other drivers weren’t doing the same, and one car had been tailgating me for a few minutes.

‘This car is right up my bum,’ I said, frustrated, to Nikita, who was in the passenger seat.

Suddenly, another car pulled across into my lane right in front of me.

I slammed on my brakes, and with the car behind me being so close, it went straight into the back of mine.

My car started spinning out of control as I desperately tried to hold the wheel.

I heard Nikita scream and the airbag go off in the back.

Immediately, I pressed the SOS button on the ceiling. Not my new car! I thought. But strangely, it felt as if a protective bubble was wrapped around me.

Before, there were cars and lorries whizzing between the lanes, but now it was as if all the other vehicles on the road had disappeared.

The car hit me again and we both landed in the hard shoulder.

‘Nikita, are you all right?’

I shouted over to her.

‘Yes!’ she called back, and relief rushed over me.

But then I realised my door had been bashed in — I was trapped.

Thankfully, emergency services arrived quickly and the fire brigade were able to cut me out. Amazingly, Nikita and I didn’t have a scratch on us, and we didn’t even need to go to hospital. We were just rather shaken up.

It was a miracle — I could have died.

My car, however, wasn’t so lucky. It had £13,000 worth of damage and was away for five months being fixed. I was devastated, having only bought it two weeks before the accident.

For a while, the feeling that someone was watching over me that day played on my mind. I’d grown up in a haunted house, so I was open to the concept of spirits and guardian angels.

My grandma Celina

In time, I went to see the medium Barrie John.

‘It was your grandma who saved you and your daughter,’ he said. ‘She will always watch over you a

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