Psychic helpline

10 min read

World-renowned medium Gordon Smith, the Psychic Barber, helps you understand the spirit world

Did I see a GHOST?

Q Can you please tell me if ghosts can control who sees them? Recently, I was so shocked when I saw a shimmering mass on the stairs at home. My sister was standing right next to me, but she couldn’t see a thing. Was it a ghost? I’m not especially psychic, so if it was, why was it only me who could see it?

A What we call ‘ghosts’ are just memories held in a time or a place, usually a memory connected to an emotional event. It sounds to me that what you experienced was etheric energy. Etheric energy can be seen around people, like an aura, or in certain places if the person is sensitive enough to see them. I believe that you had a moment when you saw energy in your home. This tells me that there is something clairvoyant developing around you now, and this is why your sister didn’t see the same thing. Such events come and go if you do nothing about them, and if you are not interested in developing them further they will simply fade. Nothing to worry about.

What did my DREAM mean?

Q My husband passed away suddenly during the pandemic, aged 61. A few months ago, I had a dream in which I was awoken by a voice saying: ‘Go to the window, my bus is going past.’ When I got to the window, I saw a pure white double decker bus travelling past on the same route my husband used for decades to travel to and from work. Is he trying to tell me something?

A The experience you describe is very symbolic. In your dream-state, your husband in-Spirit was able to pass on a message. Many people who are not mediums get messages in this way. His message is that he is travelling safely in the spirit world, but still wants you to watch for him. Such a dream has a very lovely quality when it comes from a loved one.

Can DEATH be peaceful?

Q I am a nurse and have a lot of experience working with the elderly. I often notice that patients who are terminally ill seem to sense when they’re about to pass, even when the professionals don’t. A sense of calm comes over them, I’ve seen this happen over and over again. Is it just a physical thing, or could something spiritual be going on too?

A When I worked as a hairdresser many years ago, I had many clients who were nurses and they told me this too. I believe that when death is natural and not abrupt, people move naturally into their spirit body, which calms them and prepares them for letting go. Many also report seeing loved ones in the spirit world coming to help them over. One of my nurse friends told me she always respects this moment and offers a silent prayer for the person leaving.

Could Mum be ANGRY?

Q My mum died without a signed will, so in the end we divided up the money equally between family members. Now I’

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