It’s true lav!

3 min read

Real lives

My knight in shining armour revealed himself in the strangest of places…

Me when I lived in the rented house

Reclining in the bathtub with steam rising around me, I let myself have a good cry.

Heartbroken, I’d just moved into a rented house, having recently broken up with a boyfriend.

As I sobbed cathartic tears, I sank further into the scented warm water.

Only then, I felt a pair of arms around me.

It was so real I cried out in alarm.

Flailing about in the bubbles, I craned my neck to look behind me.

But there was no one there. ‘Strange,’ I muttered.

Still, something had changed. I felt… cared for.

As if someone had hugged me.

Maybe it was just the warm bath. But I felt better somehow. I got out, dried myself and looked at my reflection. Was it my imagination or did

I feel someone was next to me? Again, I turned.


In time, I got over the break-up. But whenever I went in the bathroom, I always felt as if someone was there, watching me.

Kevin and me

It wasn’t a scary feeling though, it was as if I was being looked out for. Loved.

Then, one day, I was talking to a neighbour when they let something slip.

‘Pardon?’ I said, disbelieving my ears.

He repeated it.

‘The last tenant was a man who died on the toilet in your house,’ he said.

I gasped.

Died on the toilet.

Was that why I always felt a presence in the bathroom?

Weirdly, it didn’t scare me.

Most people would have been horrified at best — or even moved out.

But not me. I felt as if the phantom presence was a comfort.

I even felt something like love whenever I went in there, as if the man had feelings for me.

From then on, whenever I went in the bathroom, I’d say hello to my resident ghoul.

I’d tell him about my day, what was going on, boyfriends, break-ups.

If I was sad, I felt that same pair of arms around me.

‘What about you?’ I’d ask.

‘Can’t you move on?’

I never got a reply.

In time, I met my husband Kevin, and we decided to set up home together.

I felt a pair of arms around me

I gave notice to the landlord and began packing up my belongings, carefully placing my possessions into boxes.

But I knew there was something I couldn’t swaddle in bubble wrap like my kitchenware —

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