10 hit psychic challenge!

5 min read

Each month we connect a reader with a well-known psychic, then keep count of how successful the reading is…

1 As I work with the cards, I feel the strong presence of a lady with dark hair and glasses coming through. She was a no-nonsense but loving person. She suffered from breathing problems and swelling feet, which she often had to put up on a stool. She says to you: ‘Shoulders back and stay focused!’

STEPHANIE SAYS HIT! This is my maternal grandmother, Dot, who passed when I was 16. I lived with her, so we were very close. She always comes through in readings to give me advice so it was nice to hear from her again.

2 Now I sense your grandfather who is with this lady, and they are so busy bantering, they aren’t giving me any messages for you! This gentleman wore a hearing aid and was slim, but not really thin. He’d started to lose his hair a little bit.

Stephanie’s grandmother, Dot

STEPHANIE SAYS HIT! This is my paternal grandfather, Merv, who passed in 2010. Despite being from different sides of the family, Merv and Dot got on really well — they were both interested in politics and shared similar views. They would always be busy putting the world to rights, so this bit made perfect sense!

3 The Death card shows a career transition is on its way soon. You’ve put in all the hard work and everything is coming to fruition now as you enjoy more prosperity. This summer, you will be feeling more relaxed and going to lots of parties, which will give you time to get out and connect with others.

STEPHANIE SAYS HIT! My husband, Gareth, and I run our own business and it’s very full on. The idea of everything changing and us having more time for fun sounds great! We definitely feel as if we’re at the point of needing that.

4 The spirit of a cat who is a tabby but more black in colour is coming through to speak to you now. It says you are surrounded by love and wants to tell you that you need to try to have a little more fun in your life.

STEPHANIE SAYS HIT! This is my cat, Sugar, who has never come through in a reading before. I was four or five when I got her from a farm and I remember having lots of fun playing with her. I think this is why she had that particular message for m

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