Tales of dark sorcery

3 min read

Human sacrifice, football curses, Mexican monsters and Satanic abuse


When Víctor Hugo Mica Alvarez, 30, passed out after a heavy drinking session at the opening of the Mother Earth Festival in El Alto, Bolivia, on 5 August, he might have expected some consequences the following morning. What he did not expect was to wake up 50 miles (80km) away in Achacachi, inside a coffin. “Last night was the pre-entry [of the festival], we went dancing. And afterwards I don’t remember. The only thing I remember is that I thought I was in my bed, I wanted to get up to go urinate and I couldn't move,” he said, adding, “When I pushed the coffin, I was able to break a glass that it had and that way I was able to get out.”

The Mother Earth festival celebrates Pachamama, the goddess of Earth and fertility, and during the festival her followers give offerings, known as “Sullu” to the goddess, who is believed to “open her mouth” for such offerings in August. These can be anything from live animals to sheep fœtuses, coca leaves and sweets, although there are persistent rumours that humans are still sacrificed to Pachamama in secret. Alvarez believes he was destined to be buried alive as one of these sacrifices, but when he reported his experience to police, they refused to take him seriously as they said he was still drunk. dailymail.co.uk, 11 Aug 2022.


Before the Euro 2016 football tournament final took place at the Stade de France in Paris, a swarm of huge moths descended on the stadium, causing both players and spectators to duck and delaying the start of the match for a few minutes. Now, it is claimed that the invertebrate pitch invasion was the result of a spell cast by a “witch doctor” named Ibrahim in the pay of footballer Paul Pogba, according to his elder brother Mathias. He also alleged that Paul would “scoff at human life” and paid the sorcerer between 75,000 and 100,000 euros bimonthly for his services, which had included cursing another footballer, Kylian Mbappe. Paul Pogba has denied the allegations and linked them to an extortion attempt currently being investigated by police. D.Telegraph, 23 Sept 2022.

TOP LEFT: The unfortunate Víctor Hugo Mica Alvarez, who got pissed, passed out and woke up in a coffin. TOP RIGHT: Footballer Paul Pogba, who allegedly employed a sorceror. ABOVE: White crosses painted on doors in Cocoyoc.


Residents of the town of Cocoyoc in Mexico have taken to painting white crosses on their houses after they began to hear strange noises in the early hours of the morning. Unable to find any human or animal source for the sounds, th

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