Star fort stupidity

4 min read

A new Tartarian twist ignores well documented history

An aerial view of Fort Bourtange, a star-shaped fort in the Province of Groningen, the Netherlands, completed in 1583.

For most people, the hundreds of star-shaped bastions that are found worldwide are uncontroversial military installations mostly built between the 16th and 19th centuries. They are generally accepted as being defensive structures responding to the advent of the heavy artillery that had made the mediæval castle redundant. Their squat and bulky structures lack the romance of their predecessors, being brutally functional and usually consisting of stout brick revetments backed by solid packed earth to absorb cannon fire and containing tunnels to shelter the garrison. Their star shapes are a function of the need for firing lines that allow defenders to rake attacking troops with cannon without any blind spots. Or so we have been led to believe; according to advocates of a theory that derives from the wider Tartarian conspiracy, they are nothing of the sort.

Tartarians claim that many elaborate buildings from the 19th century and earlier were, in fact, created by the lost Tartarian Empire, inhabited by giants and eventually destroyed by huge mud slides, and that there has since been a massive conspiracy to eradicate their existence from history (see FT415:27). The key website for this interpretation of star forts,, says, “the starforts that remain today, either intact or in ruins, were part of a far larger network of a lost civilisation that spanned pretty much – as far as we can tell – the entire Earth.” This is not entirely untrue. Pretty much anywhere touched by Western colonial expansion has star forts because their heyday as defensive structures coincided with the peak of colonialism and they were used to impose military control over colonised territory, but this is not what the Tartarians mean. Star fort conspiracy advocates claim that while star forts may have later been taken over for military use, that is not their origin, and that they may have actually been “grown” as the effort to construct them would be too vast for humans to manage. Cathedrals and castles needed at least as much work, but these do not seem to meet with the same objections, although Tartarians attribute these to the lost race of Tartarian giants.

Many of the contributors to the forums consider that the structures were free energy generators for a lost civilisation. This is justified by the similarity of their star

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