Bargain hunting

1 min read

Tête à tête

This month’s pick of letters and social media

Ialways read my copy of FPN cover to cover and dream of buying a home in France one day. I don’t have enough savings to do it yet though, and can’t imagine ever having enough to buy one of the dream properties in the magazine, let alone the chateaux of my favourite TV programme Chateau DIY.

I always enjoy the property picks in FPN and appreciate the fact that they cover a lot of budgets. But in the last issue, what I most enjoyed reading was Charles King’s story about finding a home in France for less than £50,000. It’s really inspired me!

I now feel that there is hope for me to find a French property for a bargain price that even I can afford! In fact, I started discussing it with my sister – we always enjoyed holidays in France as kids and she still goes with her young family, and guess what? She suggested we pool our resources and start looking for a place together in western France!

So the dream has moved from the far distance to a possibly closer date, and I’m so excited! Wish me luck! If and when we find our very own place, I’ll be sure to share my experiences in FPN!

Here are a couple of fantastic value properties we spotted on – good luck! The Ed

Pretty one-bed cottage with garden in Vienne, €47,600
Two-bed village house with garden in Mayenne, €49,600


An elegant 19th-century château near Montpellier with orangerie, swimming pool on 4.6 hectares: €1.79m