In your flower garden
Managing this disease is essential
Best known as the creator and host of the Roots and All gardening podcast, Sarah Wilson is also CEO of Veterans’ Growth. The charity works with military veterans who are suffering with mental health i
Ken, Central Scotland A MATT SAYS These situations seem to be more frequent across the country these days. Happily, many of the willows and dogwoods with colourful winter stems cope well with intermit
Do I leave baby figs on over winter? Why are fuchsias distorted? Read on…
When it comes to fencing options, constrained we’re not! Is it time you upgraded to a new BACKDROP BEAUTY?
Early autumn and early spring are good times to start improving the ground. If your allotment has been recently cultivated, then wait until spring, when the earth is beginning to warm up and the textu
Save money and resources with inspiring hands-on gardener Rosie Irving in this new series