Jams & curds

3 min read

Jams & curds

Great for much more than just toast, these ideas will help you use up any forgotten jars

Find out more about marmalade with Tim Hayward. Search ‘The Food Programme Marmalade’ on BBC Sounds.

Fruit jams

The sweet fruit in jam pairs well with savoury foods like pork chops. To make a glaze, mix a few tablespoons of blackcurrant jam with Dijon mustard and a good glug of cider or sherry vinegar. Once the pork chops are almost cooked through, add this mixture to the pan along with a knob of butter and cook, spooning the glaze over the pork until glossy and reduced. Or, try thinning apricot jam with a splash of water – fry halloumi until golden, then spoon the apricot jam over and cook until reduced. Serve with salad or in a toastie.

Strawberry & chocolate-stuffed French toast

Whisk 1 egg with a splash of milk. Spread 2 slices of bread with strawberry jam and chocolate-hazelnut spread, if you have it. Sandwich together and dip in the egg mixture. Fry with a knob of butter until both sides are golden.

Orange marmalade

For a simple canapé, spread marmalade over small squares of puff pastry and top with slices of brie and a pinch of chilli flakes. Bake until crispy and golden. For a sweeter take, use it instead of raisins in a bread & butter pudding. Marmalade works well in our spicy roasted roots recipe featuring carrots and parsnips. Try it at bbcgoodfood.com/marmalade-roasted-roots.

Onion marmalade

Onion marmalade brings rich flavour to everyday classics like cheese toasties or sausages for toad-in-the-hole. Or, stir into a quiche mixture for a hint of sweetness, or mix into a Dijon mustard salad dressing.

Onion & goat's cheese tart

Spread onion marmalade over a square of puff pastry, top with goat's cheese and thyme leaves, and bake at 200C/180C fan/gas 6 until golden and crispy.

Sticky glazed chicken

Toss 2 tbsp onion marmalade with 500g skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs, a glug of olive oil, thyme leaves and salt and pepper, and roast at 200C/180C fan/gas 6 until golden and cooked through. Serve with a warm feta salad.

Lemon & lime marmalade

For a twist on the classic breakfast martini, use lemon & lime marmalade in place of orange. Make a sticky, spicy glaze for chicken drumsticks by combining the marmalade with crushed garlic, chopped red chilli and olive oil. Slather this over the chicken and roast until cooked through and sticky. Or, give our easy marmalade muffins a go by using the recipe at bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/marmalade-muffins.

Lemon curd

Gently warm lemon curd for a lovely drizzle for crêpes or ice cream – it’s just as good stirred into Greek yogurt with raspberries for a refreshing fool dessert. For an easy sh

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