My simple pleasures

2 min read

Good things 

Bridgerton star Ruth Gemmell shares the small things that bring her joy

Ruth, 56, lives in the Midlands with her husband.


My ultimate comfort food is fishcakes, made with a tin of tuna and leftover mashed potato, just how my mum used to make them.

I don’t make them as well as she did, but I do have a freezer full of them and whenever I eat them, it brings back memories of sitting down for tea as a family.


The woodpecker is just one of the birds Ruth loves to watch on her feeder

We have an apple tree that we’ve hung bird feeders on, and I love nothing more than watching the birds come and go. We’ve seen a woodpecker and a sparrowhawk, and there’s a group of long-tailed tits who come every morning and evening; you could set your watch by them. It’s the perfect way to end the day, with a gin and tonic in hand.


I was gifted The Timewaster Letters by Robin Cooper and I liked it so much that I’ve bought it for many people since. It’s a book of letters the author wrote to well-known companies and prominent people about an absurd idea or invention, and the ensuing correspondence.

I love that the respondents are so polite.


I’m sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with this, but when I start a new job, I clean my house first as it puts my brain in gear. It’s like clearing the decks and then I can knuckle down. It’s not always appreciated, though, especially when my husband isn’t able to find something!


It doesn’t fit, but I’ll never let my wedding dress go. It’s a 1940s white crepe dress that I bought in London’s Brick Lane for £60. A week before the wedding, I cut the hem and revealed a tidemark. I washed and re-starched it – then burnt it wit

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