We ask, they answer

12 min read



Ahead of the general election, we asked some of the most influential people to put a question to the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Keir Starmer

Q: Do you consider yourself pro-choice? And if so would you decriminalise abortion?

Rishi Sunak: This is an incredibly emotive issue, which is why there has long been a convention for Parliament to decide whether to make any changes to the law. It has always been treated as an individual matter of conscience so it wouldn’t be right for me to be seen to influence others by expressing a personal view.

Keir Starmer: Abortion is an essential part of healthcare and I am pro choice. If we get into Government we’ll provide Parliamentary time for free votes on modernising abortion law to ensure women do not go to jail for getting an abortion at a vulnerable time. Of course, there needs to be safeguards and time limits, but my view is that women should not be subjected to custodial sanctions for accessing health care.

Q: We know there are 1.45 million women out of paid work due to caring commitments. What will your party do to ensure mothers are enabled to have both children and a career should they wish to do so?

RS: We absolutely need to do more to support parents when it comes to childcare. That’s why we are rolling out 30 hours free childcare a week from nine months to when children start school, saving working families an average of £6,900 a year. It’s set to help around 60,000 parents back into work and 1.5 million mothers already in work to increase their hours. And we will reform Child Benefit to end the single earner penalty so that all households will be able to earn up to £120,000 without losing out, a tax cut worth on average £1,500 for 700,000 families.

KS: I’ve heard the frustration from countless mothers who feel locked out of the workplace because it costs too much to get childcare. That can’t be right and it’s got to change. Our plan for early years is to deliver 100,000 new nursery places using space in primary schools. That will give kids a safe environment to develop before they arrive at school and help parents back into the workplace or let them expand their hours. For primary school age children, we’ll offer breakfast clubs in schools.

Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak answer the questions that matter to you

Q: When you’re finally home after a hard day on the road and you think ‘I’ve had enough of politics!’, what does your wife say to make you think ‘OK, I’m ready for another day on the campaign trail tomorrow!’?

RS: I’m very lucky to have such a supportive, loving family. They allow me to escape the pressures of the job for a few precious hours each week and they help me recharge my batteries. My wife learnt a great philosophy from her father, which is that �

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