Pet-friendly houseplants

1 min read

Want to bring plants inside, but worried about keeping your furry friends safe? We have some great options!

As plant lovers, it is only natural that we want to bring some of our hobby into the house with us. But when you share that space with furry family members, it can be a concern making sure that any plants brought into the home are safe. Thankfully, there are a number of options available that are beautiful, easy to care for, and, pet safe.

Prayer plant

This gorgeous plant is a part of the calathea family. Its stunning, patterned leaves close up at night like praying hands (hence the name!). It is a very un-fussy plant, and is a good gateway to houseplants if you are new to keeping them. What’s more, it is pet and child safe, so you don’t need to worry if other family members are as intrigued by this pretty leaves as you are!

Parlour palm

Another easy-to-care-for plant, this beautiful palm looks fantastic with its long stems and bright green leaves, and it also purifies the air, too! What’s not to love? Thriving in environments with almost any light conditions, it is a plant that is notoriously difficult to kill!

String of hearts

If you’re looking for a super low-maintenance plant that really creates a beautiful display, this could be the one for you! Hardly requiring any maintenance at all, this cascading vine-like plant makes a real focal point in the home. GYO ed, Laura can also testify to its pet-friendly credentials, thanks to cats who like to play regular games with the hanging strands!

Boston fern


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