This month’s crops tosow& harvest

2 min read

This month’s crops toSOW& HARVEST


Aubergines: Start this delicious veg in a warm, under cover environment for the best results.

Brussels sprouts: Transplant when the young crops reach around 15cm tall and are more established.

Broad beans: Remember to stake taller varieties of this veg as the plants grow larger and more productive.

Cabbages: This veg prefers neutral soil with a reading of around 7 on the pH scale, which is easily achieved in most locations.

Carrots: Sow thinly into drills or large pots for thinning out later – you can always use the small thinnings in salads.

Celeriac: Be sure to water the crops regularly and mulch to conserve moisture and combat weeds.

Celery: Frequent irrigation is a crucial part of cultivating this edible as this will help to produce crisp stems.

Chillies: Sow under cover and keep temperatures toasty to aid germination rates.

Cucumbers: Make sure you choose the correct varieties (indoor or outdoor) depending on your conditions.

Florence fennel: Make sure the surrounding earth is free of weeds to reduce competition for water.

Herbs: A wide range of flavoursome herb varieties can be sown this month.

Kohl rabi: Thin the seedlings of your kohl rabi crops when they are 2.5cm tall.

Peas: Remember to protect your outdoor sowings from hungry mice, using eco-friendly deterrents.

Potatoes: Chit your seed potatoes before planting – this can give you a head start thanks to the development of strong shoots.

Salad leaves: Use a cloche or other form of frost protection if your seedlings will be subjected to the cold weather.

Shallots: These unfussy plants grow well in most soils, as long as it is fertile and well-drained.

Sprouting broccoli: This delicious gourmet crop thrives in fertile, moisture-retentive earth.

Sweet peppers: Start under cover in trays or small individual pots filled with multipurpose compost.

Tomatoes: Remember not to water the soil around seedlings too frequently to avoid damping off disease.

Turnips: Sow early varieties little and often for abundant harvests later in the year.


Aubergines: Start this delicious veg in a warm, under cover environment for the best results.

Brussels sprouts: Transplant when the young crops reach around 15cm tall and are more established.

Broad beans: Remember to stake taller varieties of this veg as the plants grow larger and more productive.

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