Just what the doctor ordered

10 min read

A spa stay can be about more than a bit of pampering time for yourself. If you have a particular niggle or concern, look for a hotel or break with specific health benefits. Dr Dawn Harper prescribes her top spots

GOOD FOR: gut health

Luxurious treatment rooms and facilities are combined with healthy food choices, and guests are encouraged to eat mindfully

Grayshott Medical Spa, Surrey

WHILE WORKING ON CHANNEL 4’S Embarrassing Bodies, I had my gut flora analysed and was shocked to discover that I had very little diversity in my bacteria. According to the researchers, my microbiome was consistent with that of someone prone to obesity (although my BMI at the time was 21). It was a huge surprise, as I consider myself to be someone who eats very healthily, and for me it sparked an ongoing interest in my gut health. So I was excited to see what the renowned Grayshott Gut Health Regime had to offer. Sadly, I couldn’t attend for the full week, but what I saw and experienced during my time at the spa left me very impressed and wanting more.


The venue is a beautiful old manor house, with indoor and outdoor pools and a well-equipped gym. Above the impressive entrance is the phrase pax intrantibus, salus exeuntibus, often translated as ‘Peace to those who enter, good health to those who depart.’ That philosophy describes Grayshott perfectly.

The staff simply can’t do enough for their guests, but many places in the UK that offer a specific dietary or exercise regime could be described this way. What is different about Grayshott is the educational element. Every day at noon there is a one-hour lecture in the hotel cinema on a different aspect of gut health. Following this, the speaker joins guests in the conservatory for a gut-friendly (and utterly delicious) two-course lunch, where guests are encouraged to ‘eat mindfully’, and there’s an extensive opportunity for questions and answers.

WEIGHT LOSS IS INCLUDED During our welcome talk, we were reminded that, in around 400BC, Hippocrates was quoted as saying, ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’ Fast forward a few millennia and it seems we’re only just realising the importance of those words.

I’m told that the average weight loss for guests at Grayshott is 7lb in a week, which is remarkable given that we’re also reminded not to overdo the exercise. However, guests are encouraged to rethink their eating habits and embrace intermittent fasting.