Coleen: ‘i’m terrified for our marriage’

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Wayne’s sacking couldn’t have come at aworse time

Coleen’s the family breadwinneratm

Cast your minds back to 2002, when –aged just 16 – Wayne Rooney became the youngest-ever goal scorer in the Premier League, turning both him and girlfriend Coleen McLoughlin into national obsessions. And while Coleen –who married Wayne in 2008 –went on to carve out an impressive career in the public eye of her own, her overriding role has always been as his loyal wife. And, despite Wayne’s many public misdemeanours being splashed across the front pages in the years that followed, his one saving grace was his dedication to the beautiful game.

Wayne was fired from Birmingham City

Now, however, that pristine sporting legacy has been tarnished and – for perhaps the first time in their 21-year relationship –he Rooneys are facing avery different reality. One in which Wayne, having been fired from his role as Birmingham manager after just 83 days in charge, has been rejected by the sport he’s dedicated his life to –and Coleen has been left picking up the pieces.

“The job at Birmingham was supposed to be the start of abrand-new chapter, so being sacked so soon is a real nightmare,” says an insider close to the couple, who live in Cheshire with their four sons, Kai, 14, Klay, ten, Kit, seven, and Cass, five. “The message is that Wayne is unemployable, which could ruin any hopes of him landing anything in the future.”

The former footballer’s fall from grace is shocking as, in spite of many embarrassing public incidents in his personal life, he’s always excelled on the pitch. After living away from the family in Washington for 18 months as head coach of DC United – something that put immense pressure on Coleen –his resignation from that role in October seemed to herald anew beginning for the family. His immediate placement as Birmingham manager doubled down on that hope, as Wayne was back on home turf at adecent-sized club.

Dad idol: Wayne’s boys adore him

However, his time at Birminghamwasan unmitigated disaster. After taking the reins, the club had the worst record in the Championship, losing nine games and winning just two, while Wayne was met with jeering from angry fans. Then, last week, after three months, he was sacked, with the club stating,“Despite [Wayne’s] best efforts, results have not met the expectations that were made clear at the outset.” Adevastated Wayne sombrely responded, “Personally, it will take me some time to get over this setback. Ihave been involved in professional football, as either aplayer or manager, since Iwas 16. Now, Iplan to take some time with my family as Iprepare for the next opportunity in my journey as amanager.”

They did not have agood time in the US

All this, we’re told, has set alarm bells ringing for Coleen, 37, who had yet to

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